Monday, February 8, 2010

Lydia does goth....
I had to seriously consider the merits of posting this picture, but decided to go ahead for the sake of recording what she did.

You see, she's reading this book
and dressing goth was one of the items on the list. One of her friends did her makeup and she left it on long enough to scare her friend's parents and then washed it all off. Now she's back to looking like the sweet girl that she is.
Stay tuned because she'll soon be creating her own blog as she works her way through the book.


Gail and Keith said...

Most definitely prefer the sweet, adorable Lydia we all know and love over the goth. Did she have black nail polish? shudder. G

Patrick and Tiffany said...

ah i love it! can't wait to see her blog! She will love having that to look back on when she has a family of her own.